2021 American Society of Landscape Architects HONOR Award / Pond House

We are pleased to announce Pond House was awarded an Honor Award for Residential Design by the 2021 ASLA Awards jury.

“Cape Cod in Massachusetts boasts whole communities of residences designed by Bauhaus and modernist architects from midcentury Harvard faculty, yet most of them are simply placed within relatively untouched landscapes, allowing the views to speak for themselves. At this 1960 Pond House (named for its setting beside one of Wellfleet’s kettle ponds), a deliberate yet delicate touch refreshes the neglected landscape to bring it more in tune with the refreshed architecture. Bands of limestone set into the ground echo the house’s horizontality, and the reconfigured driveway sets up a framed view through a covered breezeway to the namesake pond beyond. Bank restoration beneath a deck overlooking the pond, along with new plantings, lend it a floating feeling that celebrates the beauty of and connection to the water.” 2021 Awards Jury

We look forward to celebrating with our fellow practitioners at the Conference on Landscape Architecture in late November.  For a complete list of this year’s awards follow the link to 2021 ASLA Professional Awards.


2024 Boston Society of Landscape Architects HONOR Award / Pamet Bend


2020 Boston Society of Landscape Architects HONOR Award / 401 Park